About —Accreditation—

No Name of University Location Link to the University Website Certification Result Accreditation Period Remarks
1 Aichi Medical University School of Medicine Aichi LINK accredited 1-Jun-20 31-May-27
2 Akita University Faculty of Medicine Akita LINK accredited 1-Jun-22 31-May-29
3 Asahikawa Medical University Hokkaido LINK accredited 1-Feb-20 31-Jan-27
4 Chiba University School of Medicine Chiba LINK accredited 1-Oct-21 30-Sep-28
5 Dokkyo Medical University Tochigi LINK accredited 1-Oct-23 30-Sep-30
6 Ehime University School of Medicine Ehime LINK accredited 1-Oct-19 30-Sep-26
7 Fujita Health University School of Medicine Aichi LINK accredited 1-Jun-24 31-May-31 Second Round
8 University of Fukui School of Medical Sciences Fukui LINK accredited 1-Oct-24 30-Sep-31
9 Fukuoka University School of Medicine Fukuoka LINK accredited 1-Nov-20 31-Oct-27
10 Fukushima Medical University Fukushima LINK accredited 1-Oct-21 30-Sep-28
11 Gifu University School of Medicine Gifu LINK accredited 1-Oct-22 30-Sep-29 Second Round
12 Gunma University Faculty of Medicine Gunma LINK accredited 1-Sep-18 31-Aug-25
13 Hamamatsu University School of Medicine Shizuoka LINK accredited 1-Feb-21 31-Jan-28
14 Hirosaki University School of Medicine Aomori LINK accredited 1-Jun-22 31-May-29
15 Hiroshima University School of Medicine Hiroshima LINK accredited 1-Nov-18 31-Oct-25
16 Hokkaido University School of Medicine Hokkaido LINK accredited 1-Oct-22 30-Sep-29
17 Hyogo Medical University Hyogo LINK accredited 1-Feb-22 31-Jan-29
18 Institute of Science Tokyo School of Medicine Tokyo LINK accredited 1-Feb-23 31-Jan-30 Second Round
19 International University of Health and Welfare School of Medicine Chiba LINK accredited 1-Jun-24 31-May-31
20 Iwate Medical University School of Medicine Iwate LINK accredited 1-Feb-21 31-Jan-28
21 Jichi Medical University Tochigi LINK accredited 1-Sep-18 31-Aug-25
22 The Jikei University School of Medicine Tokyo LINK accredited 1-Oct-23 30-Sep-30 Second Round
23 Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine Tokyo LINK accredited 1-Feb-24 31-Jan-31 Second Round
24 Kagawa University Faculty of Medicine Kagawa LINK accredited 1-Jun-19 31-May-26
25 Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine Kagoshima LINK accredited 1-Apr-18 31-Mar-25
26 Kanazawa University College of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences School of Medicine Ishikawa LINK accredited 1-Oct-22 30-Sep-29
27 Kanazawa Medical University School of Medicine Ishikawa LINK accredited 1-Nov-20 31-Oct-27
28 Kansai Medical University Faculty of Medicine Osaka LINK accredited 1-Oct-21 30-Sep-28
29 Kawasaki Medical School Okayama LINK accredited 1-Jun-20 31-May-27
30 Keio University School of Medicine Tokyo LINK accredited 1-Sep-18 31-Aug-25
31 Kindai University Faculty of Medicine Osaka LINK accredited 1-Sep-18 31-Aug-25
32 Kitasato University School of Medicine Kanagawa LINK accredited 1-Oct-23 30-Sep-30
33 Kobe University School of Medicine Hyogo LINK accredited 1-Jun-20 31-May-27
34 Kochi University Kochi Medical School Kochi LINK accredited 1-Jun-24 31-May-31
35 Kumamoto University School of Medicine Kumamoto LINK accredited 1-Feb-20 31-Jan-27
36 Kurume University School of Medicine Fukuoka LINK accredited 1-Feb-21 31-Jan-28
37 Kyorin University Faculty of Medicine Tokyo LINK accredited 1-Apr-20 31-Mar-27
38 Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine Kyoto LINK accredited 1-Sep-18 31-Aug-25
39 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Kyoto LINK conditionally accredited 1-Feb-23 31-Jan-26 Second Round conditionally accredited
40 Kyushu University School of Medicine Fukuoka LINK accredited 1-Feb-23 31-Jan-30
41 Mie University Faculty of Medicine Mie LINK accredited 1-Feb-21 31-Jan-28
42 University of Miyazaki School of Medicine Miyazaki LINK accredited 1-Jun-19 31-May-26
43 Nagasaki University School of Medicine Nagasaki LINK accredited 1-Sep-18 31-Aug-25
44 Nagoya University School of Medicine Aichi LINK accredited 1-Feb-22 31-Jan-29
45 Nagoya City University Medical School Aichi LINK accredited 1-Jun-20 31-May-27
46 Nara Medical University Nara LINK accredited 1-Apr-17 31-Mar-23
1-Apr-23 31-Mar-25 extension period
47 National Defense Medical College Saitama LINK accredited 1-Nov-18 31-Oct-25
48 Nihon University School of Medicine Tokyo LINK conditionally accredited 1-Oct-23 30-Sep-26 conditionally accredited
49 Niigata University School of Medicine Niigata LINK accredited 1-Feb-23 31-Jan-30 Second Round
50 Nippon Medical School Tokyo LINK accredited 1-Feb-24 31-Jan-31 Second Round
51 University of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Medicine Fukuoka LINK accredited 1-Oct-23 30-Sep-30
52 Oita University Faculty of Medicine Oita LINK accredited 1-Feb-23 31-Jan-30
53 Okayama University Medical School Okayama LINK accredited 1-Feb-24 31-Jan-31 Second Round
54 Osaka University Faculty of Medicine Osaka LINK accredited 1-Jun-21 31-May-28
55 Osaka Metropolitan University School of Medicine Department of Medical Science Osaka LINK conditionally accredited 1-Sep-18 31-Aug-21
accredited 1-Sep-21 31-Aug-25 additional screening
56 Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University Osaka LINK accredited 1-Feb-19 31-Jan-26
57 University of the Ryukyus School of Medicine Okinawa LINK accredited 1-Nov-18 31-Oct-25
58 Saga University Faculty of Medicine Saga LINK accredited 1-Feb-21 31-Jan-28
59 Saitama Medical University Saitama LINK accredited 1-Oct-22 30-Sep-29
60 Sapporo Medical University School of Medicine Hokkaido LINK accredited 1-Feb-23 31-Jan-30
61 Shiga University of Medical Science Shiga LINK accredited 1-Sep-18 31-Aug-25
62 Shimane University Faculty of Medicine Shimane LINK accredited 1-Oct-24 30-Sep-31
63 Shinshu University School of Medicine Nagano LINK accredited 1-Jun-21 31-May-28
64 Showa University School of Medicine Tokyo LINK accredited 1-Nov-20 31-Oct-27
65 St. Marianna University School of Medicine Kanagawa LINK conditionally accredited 1-Jun-22 31-May-25 conditionally accredited
66 Teikyo University School of Medicine Tokyo LINK accredited 1-Jun-23 31-May-30
67 Toho University Faculty of Medicine Tokyo LINK accredited 1-Oct-23 30-Sep-30
68 Tohoku University School of Medicine Miyagi LINK accredited 1-Oct-19 30-Sep-26
69 Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Faculty of Medicine Miyagi LINK accredited 1-Jun-24 31-May-31
70 Tokai University School of Medicine Kanagawa LINK accredited 1-Oct-22 30-Sep-29
71 Tokushima University Faculty of Medicine Tokushima LINK accredited 1-Jun-19 31-May-26
72 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Medicine Tokyo LINK accredited 1-Oct-21 30-Sep-28
73 Tottori University Faculty of Medicine Tottori LINK accredited 1-Jun-19 31-May-26
74 Tokyo Medical University School of Medicine Tokyo LINK accredited 1-Jun-23 31-May-30
75 Tokyo Women’s Medical University Tokyo LINK accredited 1-Jun-20 31-May-27
76 University of Toyama School of Medicine Toyama LINK accredited 1-Jun-23 31-May-30 Second Round
77 University of Tsukuba School of Medicine Ibaraki LINK accredited 1-Oct-24 30-Sep-31
78 Wakayama Medical University Wakayama LINK accredited 1-Apr-17 31-Mar-23
1-Apr-23 31-Mar-25 extension period
79 Yamagata University Faculty of Medicine Yamagata LINK accredited 1-Feb-24 31-Jan-31 Second Round
80 Yamaguchi University School of Medicine Yamaguchi LINK accredited 1-Aug-20 31-Jul-27
81 University of Yamanashi Faculty of Medicine Yamanashi LINK accredited 1-Oct-19 30-Sep-26
82 Yokohama City University School of Medicine Kanagawa LINK accredited 1-Oct-24 30-Sep-31

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